6 thoughts on “Pillbox

    • I must admit my encounters with pillboxes have a tendency to bring forth memories of calm warm early summer days, filled with birdsong and the smell of freshness in the air. In my younger days, I was a keen bird spotting cyclist around the roads of Norfolk where there were a significant number of pillboxes – those days when the weather was always sunny.
      On your more sobering thought – you are right, of course. Unfortunately, either Man’s belief In their own god given power, persuades them they need to demonstrate it over others – or Man’s pride doesn’t allow them to admit they made a mistake and they continue down the path a path of bloody-mindedness, no matter what the cost.

  1. Pillbox? I wondered. I had no idea, so I had to look it up… and learned quite a bit. Sad times, always. I chalk it up to lack of self-control, self-restraint, that sort of thing. But, even Gibran wrote that to have only good is to not fully grasp that concept since there’d be nothing to compare it to. And so I have to say that I really like (prefer) your recollections shared. Thanks.

    • Hi Priti
      A pillbox, in the context of my post. is a name given to a small reinforced military building with slots for guns to be fired out. A great many were built during World War II down the eastern side of the UK (they were built in other places to, and at different times) . Usually placed where line of sight allowed the occupants to guard critical areas or swathes of countryside from invading forces (Nazi troops/paratroopers), At the end of the war many were left to decay, acting as reminders, so we can come across them occasionally. Coastal erosion has destroyed many.
      I believe ‘Pillbox’ is simply a nickname that stuck – as they look like the boxes used of prescribed pills.

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