About Stephen G. Hipperson


Kendal Town

Kendal, Cumbria in England. Home of the Kendal Mint Cake. Possibly the original energy bar. It’s main ingredients are sugar, glucose and peppermint oil, which are cooked up and usually formed into flat blocks – similar in shape to a Cadbury chocolate bar. It was the go-to survival food for most heroic expeditions from 1870s on, as well as hikes up hills and round about more locally. It tastes exactly like you might think – peppermint flavoured sugar. If I had some with me on a long hike it would certainly be something of last resort – i.e. I’d have eaten everything else first! But I know people who love the stuff.

As to Kendal itself, a nice place to visit for a while and get something to eat. It’s a hub for outdoor activities .

—Stephen G. Hipperson—

Sneaking Out

I understand from the local ‘Friends of Horsey Seals‘ wardens that the young seal pups are quite fond of wandering inland some distance. Fortunately, most people give them a respectful distance, but I’ve no doubt they get the occasional prat, or idiot with an uncontrolled dog.

—Stephen G. Hipperson—