Wind Turbines

Off-shore on Scroby Sands, off Gt.Yarmouth. England

Knabs Ridge, nr Harrogate, North Yorkshire

And a nuke for good measure

Sizewell B, Suffolk

As a matter of interest, Sizewell A stopped generating electricity in 2006.  Defuelling will finish in 2013 and the final site clearance is planned for 2088-89.


19 thoughts on “Wind Turbines

  1. That’s not Off shore, that’s Near shore!!! I hate them, I hate them sooo much, I’m terribly sorry. but there’ll be noe like it for this post. 😦 Can you forgive me? 🙂
    The Windparks are destroying the natural beauty of the seascape, especially in the North of Norfolk, in an area of outstanding naturaö beauty, I can’t believe it, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 🙂
    Oooohm, that felt good. Now it’s out.

  2. You have apparently started a larger discussion about energy here!
    I hate nuclear power – just look how much damage the few accidents until now created. And what about the waste problems, should we just leave it to future generations to solve these (if it can be solved at all in a proper way?!)
    However, I think windmills are beautiful, and they are symbols of clean and sustainable energy.
    But there is surely not much wind turbines on the top photo?! 😉

  3. Nice shots. Obviously a divisive subject, but in general I think wind farms are quite pleasing to look at – they’re certainly photogenic. And I’d rather that than a nuclear plant and all the problems that go with it (especially the unsolved problems of safe waste disposal), or more coal powered stations.

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