On ya bike


I confess, I’m a cyclist! – one of those lycra clad devils who take up so much road space.  I originally started cycling to overcome a problem with photography.  I got fed up driving round and seeing great pictures but nowhere to park.  I had the idea that I’d find a suitable place to park and cycle back to take whatever shots I’d seen.  I thought I’d get some training in…… and got a bit carried away!

This is my trusty steed, a picture taken earlier in the year.  It was the cheapest bike I could find that had a reasonable set of gears (relative, I know).  I’m tending to do just shy of 3000 miles a year at the moment – I was hoping to get through that barrier this year (and 100,000 feet) but the weather hasn’t been so conducive to cycling – I don’t go out if it’s raining or too windy.  I’ve done my first solo 100 mile ride this year and I’ve gone through the 40 mph barrier (downhill with the wind behind me!)

And have I used my bike to support my photography ? …. nah!  With my heart pumping the way it does I’d never hold the camera still.  But I am a lot fitter than I was!
