
Some may find this a bit chauvinist, but it’s a fact of life that when my family goes on holiday, as we did recently, I usually have to sit waiting outside shops of various kinds whilst my wife and daughter browse the products for sale within.  At one time it could be quite frustrating, but nowadays I just go with the flow and watch the world go by.  Outside one such shop, I caught sight of this statue, which I’d photographed earlier, shining like a beacon against the dark shadow of the church it stood alongside.  Snap.

To all intents and purposes it looks to me like the person depicted is calling for a taxi, hence the title ‘Taxi!’

This humorous approach was in stark contrast to my approach in including the statue in an earlier composition.

In this image, I’ve focussed on the front of the church which shows the scars of war, the pock marks are from bullets and shrapnel.

As photographers we have great power in portraying things in certain ways to our own agenda – as they say in the ‘Spidey’ film – with great power comes great responsibility.


14 thoughts on “Taxi!

  1. A rose is a rose by any other name, and to me the pose is one of blessing… Blessings to you too for blessing my day! 🙂 “Taxi!” Some would say that getting one in the rain is a blessing!

  2. I like the photo and love the title 🙂
    Without wanting to offend anyone, the way he seems rather high up in the air, don’t you think he should better try for something with wings instead of a taxi?

  3. Haha “Taxi”. Made me laugh, so thank you for that.
    I think I’m the only girl who hates shopping. I research first on the internet, so I know exactly what I’m going to buy, then can whizz in and out.
    I absolutely love the second picture, with the bullet holes. I’d have to touch it, I don’t know why, but I felt the same way when I went to France to see WWII monuments. Wanted to feel connected.

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